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Watercraft Operating Permit Testing

Writer's picture: Rick MillerRick Miller

After a lot of discussion, system design and build, work by the Lake Committee and discussion and votes by the POA Board of Directors, the Lake Rules and testing system are in place, implemented and ready for you to take the test now.

Who must take the test?

It has been decided that everyone who operates a watercraft on Heritage Lake, must take and pass a test with a score of 85% or higher.

With record numbers of boats being registered and operating on our water, safety has become a big issue the POA is addressing.

The objective of the test is NOT to cause you to fail, instead it is intended to assure everyone, not just the lot owner, knows the rules and can be held accountable to abide by them.

Accordingly, the POA board decided last year to implement testing in 2021 and adopt rules changes in a sincere effort to help increase safety on the lake.

When , Where and How to take the test

When? With some 2,000 people or more needing to take the test, you do not want to wait and cause a delay in registering your boat or getting it on the water. So we recommend you take the test starting now.

Where? Anyone with a computer and internet access, an iPad or even a smart phone can access and take the test when it’s convenient for you. We’ve made accommodations for anyone without access to devices, internet or just have issues with technology and will describe those under “How” in subsequent paragraphs.

Taking the test online from home is both convenient and easy, and is essentially an open book test since you can have your lake rules in print or online open while you take the test.

You can find the test online at the HLPOA web site. In your internet browser go to Click on Information, then Documents. Scroll down to the document labeled Watercraft Operating Permit—Take the Test and click on that. Read and follow instructions from there and we think you’ll find it very clear.

In addition to using your own computer, you can take the test at either the POA office or Marina where you’ll find iPad kiosks or optionally at the POA office you can take a written test. (due to congestion and logistics the written test is not offered at the Marina)

HOW? There are 3 ways to take the test

Internet—via the internet, from the comfort of your home on a PC or Tablet as described earlier (it is possible to take it via smart phone but simply due to screen size it is not recommended)

iPad Kiosk—There will be 2 at the Marina and 1 at the POA office. Until the Marina is open, all 3 will be at the POA office. The Kiosk is configured to make it easy and requires no prior knowledge of how an iPad works to use it.

Paper Test—For those unwilling or unable to take the test online, there will be paper tests available, but only at the POA office.

Some useful things to know:

Online, as you begin taking the test, you will be required to register and provide required account information. On your first visit to the test use the “Create Account” side. If you are visiting the test again, for you or another family member using the same email address use the “Already Registered” side.

You must also check the boxes acknowledging you’ve read the rules and agree to abide by them and the Terms which are viewable online as well.

When supplying a “Username” don’t be cute. The POA and Marina will use this to search for your test results when issuing your permit, so please use something with your name in it, something you can remember because you will be asked for this when getting the permit. Using your last name is usually adequate.

Upon completion of the test, you will receive an email with your test results and the POA will immediately have a record of them. If you passed, your email will contain a Certificate. It is not your permit, but is evidence you are eligible to receive one, subject to age and residency validation. You can save some time at the POA office or Marina by showing your certificate, but it is not required since they can lookup your test and results while you are there.

Q: Is everyone in my family required to get a Permit?

A: Yes. Anyone operating a watercraft must have a Permit.

Q: What if I fail the test? Can I take it again?

A: If you should fail you can re-take the test immediately and/or as many times as necessary to achieve a passing score. The purpose is to make sure you know the rules, not to cause you to fail.

Q: If the rules are not enforced how will this help lake safety?

A: Clearly, enforcement is difficult. The intent is clear though, to give all operators accountability and the Safety Patrol Officers clear authority to issue citations that may result in fines and suspensions for violations. Penalties are intended to be a deterrent to safety violations.

Q: Are my children required to get a Permit?

A: Yes. If they meet the minimum age requirement and operate the watercraft without a permitted adult with them, they must have a permit.

Q: We only have 1 email address shared by everyone in the family. An email address may only be used once. How do we register and take the test using the same email address?

A: The first person logging into the test site will register with “Create Account” using the email address. The next person using the same email address will use the “Already Registered” side of the screen. They will still be offered a screen to supply their personal information required for the permit.

There will be 2 iPad Kiosks at the Marina and 1 at the POA office. For now, till the Marina is open, they are all located at the POA office.

These were donated, 2 by the Lake Committee and 1 by HLCS, for convenience of our members.


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