Government Committee items for May 2021
Health Board meeting May 13 2021
• Administrator Joni Young confirmed that the EOC/911 (Emergency Operations Center) Conference Room will be the permanent location for future quarterly Health Board meetings. Address: 1600 W Co Rd 225 S, Greencastle
• Public Health Officer Dr. Adam Amos highlighted Health Dept Staff changes, and introduced new Health Nurse Grace Taylor, of Fillmore. Additionally, he noted that COVID cases have slowed to a level that now only requires monitoring the county COVID situation.
• Covid vaccines at PC Health Dept will cease on June 1, however, they will offer special settings at businesses and schools. Other COVID vaccine and testing sites thru the county will continue through the end of year, and all now open to walk-in traffic.
• No Covid-related deaths in the county since Feb 27th.
• Reopening normal vaccine clinics (non-Covid) at Health Dept/PCH to 3 days a week (down to 1 day/week during height of pandemic)
• Retail food establishments now reopened, food inspections and provider certifications are now back in action at pre-Covid levels.
County Commissioners meeting 5/17/2021
• Approved a request from Main Street Greencastle to utilize the North and East Courthouse steps on the first Friday of each month, June to October. Multiple live bands and restaurant tastings will be available on these evenings.
• Approved a request from Putnam County Museum to allow preservation of and ?permanent? Display (at PCM) of the original charter to establish Putnam County back in 1821. Commissioner Woodall voiced a desire to organize a 200-year anniversary celebration, stay tuned!
• Approximately 26 small businesses in PC will share in a $250k payment from OCRA (Office of Community and Rural Affairs)
• Approved an agreement with Wabash Valley Power Alliance for road damage done during work to bring additional power lines into Heritage Lake. PC to get $200k, Hendricks County will get some funds as well. The road repairs will be made in 2022.
• Highway Dept:
o Announced that they will soon begin Chip/seal work on roughly 60 miles of county roads, including select HL roads.
o Commissioners discussed the intention to elect a County Drainage Board to deal with drainage issues around the county, and to qualify PC for State funding for drainage issues.
CSX Railroad has notified PC Highway Dept that CSX will close the crossing to Fillmore (County Roads 550E/150N) on May 24 & 25, next Monday and Tuesday. No further info was provided from CSX, perhaps we should all pray that the work done includes smoooooothing that crossing!! I recommend lake residents traveling to/from Greencastle on those days to take the R/R crossing at 750E.