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Clear Creek Consrvancy District

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The Clear Creek Conservancy District board of directors conducted their annual meeting JANUARY 16, 2020, at 7 p.m. at the Heritage Lake POA Clubhouse, Coatesville, IN. 


Directors Present:                 Duane Kelly, Chris Schubert, Jerry Wood

Director Not Present:            None


Also attending:  Doug Clodfelter, Plant Operator and Operations Manager; Kathy Deer, Administrative and Financial Manager; Election Committee – Tom Novak, Arlene Richmond and Ken Rozelle; Dick Werner, Harold Paetow, Diane Talbert. 


Jerry Wood moved the minutes of the previous annual meeting be approved as presented.  Chris Schubert seconded.  Vote unanimous. 


Chris Schubert moved to accept the 2019 Financial Report and file said report with the Putnam County Circuit Court.  Jerry Wood seconded.  Vote unanimous. 


An election was held with in-person voting from 4 p.m. until 7 p.m. just prior to the meeting.  The absentee balloting took place from January 2 through January 16 at 3 p.m.  Tom Novak, Election Committee Chairman, reported the votes cast for the candidates and Jerry Wood was declared the winner.  Jerry Wood signed the oath of office which will also be filed with the Putnam County Circuit Court. 


There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. 


The Clear Creek Conservancy District board of directors met JANUARY 16, 2020, at 7 p.m.

at the Heritage Lake POA Clubhouse 

Directors Present:    J. Duane Kelly

                                 Chris Schubert

                                 Jerry D. Wood

Director Not Present:               None

Also attending:  Kathy Deer, Administrative and Financial Manager; Doug Clodfelter, Operations Manager; Tom Novak, Dick Werner, Curtis and Diane Talbert. 

The first order of business for the first meeting of the new year was the organization of the board.  Chris Schubert moved to retain the same officers for 2020 which is:  Duane Kelly as President, Chris Schubert as Vice-President and Jerry Wood as Secretary.  Jerry Wood seconded.  Vote unanimous. 

Chris Schubert moved to approve the minutes of the December meeting.  Jerry Wood seconded.  Vote unanimous. 

Kathy Deer reviewed the financial report for the month ending December 31, 2019.  Chris Schubert moved to approve the financial report and Register of Claims, December 13 through January 16, 2020.  Jerry Wood seconded.  Vote unanimous. 


Chris Schubert moved to approve Resolution 2020-1 to move funds between line items of the 2019 budget to bring overspent line items back to $0.  Jerry Wood seconded.  Vote unanimous. 

Kathy Deer provided a written report. 


Joe Miller of Banning Engineering reported the permit for the streambank project has not yet been received. 


No update for the utility easement issue at PL238/239. 

No update on the appeal of the insurance bill for additional premium due to the audit although contact has been made several times.  The fall tax distribution was received December 18 of $111,250.15, which included $17,264.30 paid on liens.  North Salem WWTP was invoiced $496.00 for land applied sludge.  The audit cost for the Indiana State Board of Accounts audit was $7,624.00.  There are 1,455 account locations with one new connection – LH136.  The Oct/Nov sewer bills were due December 16.  Late fees of $1,652.95 were added to 286 account locations.  The Dec/Jan sewer bills were mailed January 13 and are due February 15.  Two work orders were generated for Inflow/Infiltration Inspections due to deed transfers in December – LH127 (sheriff sale) and GB287 (contract sale deed transfer).  There were 52 lien releases prepared for signing.  The resident at LH163 requested the late fee of $5.80 be waived since she did not get her bill due to a wrong address.  Chris Schubert moved to waive the late fee.  Jerry Wood seconded.  Vote unanimous.  The resident at GB539 requested the waiver of $37.50 in late fees accumulated during financial difficulties.  Chris Schubert moved to deny the request due to the precedent it would set.  Jerry Wood seconded.  Vote unanimous. 


Doug Clodfelter reported on flow rates for 2019 compared to flow rates January 10 through January 14.  The maximum daily flow for 2019 was 2.1 MGD and on January 11 the flow was 2.463 MGD.  Even a holding tank would not have solved the issue.  This information will be valuable for the engineer assisting the district to address the Inflow/Infiltration problem.  Michael only has two more Omni-Site Crystal Balls to install to complete the cellular alarm upgrades.  The sewer lateral backed up at MS622 and a cracked saddle 12 ft. down was found to be the issue.  Since this was a May, 2019 hookup, Shannon McCullough only charged half of the cost of fixing the issue although his initial installation looked good and should not be blamed for the saddle failure.  The pressure from so much backfill on the plastic connection at that angle and depth needs to be avoided, therefore Doug is recommending that the new deep connections in Mill Springs will be connected at the nearest manhole rather than make the saddle connection from the sewer main.  There will be cost involved in boring the manhole, but this type of connection is less likely to fail.


Curtis Talbert provided a letter to the board addressing the district’s voting on the covenant changes.  No action was taken by the board. 

The next regular meeting will be held at 10 a.m. on Thursday, February 20, 2020 at the treatment plant.  


Approved by the Board of Directors on February 20, 2020. 

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